The business encountered significant challenges due to fragmented data storage across various systems. Siloed tools operated independently, creating inefficiencies and hindering collaboration. This situation demanded a flexible yet performant solution to address the business's operational and strategic needs efficiently.
A customizable, yet highly performant calculation engine. Realtime dashboard aggregating P&L across multiple asset classes tracked from many data sources and trading systems. Instrument level Entitlements.
With 3forge's data agnostic full stack platform the client seamlessly connected their diverse data sources, added real-time P&L calculations across a diverse set of asset classes and used the 3forge dashboard builder to create a unified set of visualizations.
The month—long project has enabled the client to view firm P&L and risk across a hundred PM strategies and regions. The overall real time birds eye view of all firm activities is now accessible by hundreds of individuals across the globe on a "need" basis.
The client was able to resolve their requirements with the following capabilities: