Hedge funds utilize multiple counterparties as prime brokers to trade, finance and clear their assets within a defined risk exposure (e.g. gross notional basis, gross market value, DV01 and VAR). Managing multiple counterparties' risk exposure in real-time is complicated and challenging.
Create a frontend that aggregates and displays limits across different prime brokers with disparate systems for traders who currently have no vision into limit status.
3forge has produced a real-time intraday limit dashboard which allows traders & risk teams to monitor trading limits, notional, margin & risk exposure per counterparty. It provides alerting via text, email, pop-up, sound, and more, informing users when the firm is near its limit with a specific prime broker.
3forge allows firms to build applications very quickly. It easily plugs into multiple data sources (DBs, pricing feeds, OMS∕EMS∕PMSs, risk systems)
The client was able to resolve their requirements with the following capabilities: