Our platform scales. Our pricing is fixed.

It's all included. Unlimited users, data sources, connections, cores, and more. And as we keep adding cool new features you get those too, without a price increase!

As you continue to get more value from the 3forge platform, the price stays the same, ensuring fully predictable costs.

"It comes down to one word: scalability. And more specifically, scalability without incremental cost."

Jonathan Barton COO of Jain Global

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Leveling the Playing Field

It's simple: one price and you get access to everything we offer. Everything you need to build out your unique use cases. This includes full access to our handcrafted:

  • Data virtualization layer (with tons of adapters)
  • Complex Event Processing (CEP) Engine
  • High speed in-memory columnar database
  • World famous Dashboard builder
  • Message router
  • Historical petabyte scale database
  • Reporting engine
3forge Pricing Model Graphic

And our see-for-yourself guarantee lets you experience the platform with your use case, on your data, without any obligation.

Our Process is Simple:

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Ready to revolutionize your systems and processes at a predictable price?