Case Study

Fixed Income Reconciliation and Latency Monitoring

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About the company

This client required a solution for monitoring latency for fixed income instruments, focusing on two key sectors: Credits and Rates. They wanted to integrate multiple data sources, including KDB and MongoDB, and parse log files to extract detailed instrument information.

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The data was often raw and in complex formats, which created limitations in creating sophisticated visualizations and performing in&emdash;depth, interactive analysis on their data in their internal system.


The solution incorporated a tailored bond pricing and RFQ latency monitoring workflow. This workflow measured latency by comparing response times to transaction times for bond pricing.

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Case Study Graphic


3forge provided a high-performance latency monitoring solution that transformed the client's inefficient log&emdash;based analysis into an intuitive and actionable system. By consolidating disconnected data sources like MongoDB, KDB, and logs into a unified view, 3forge streamlined data integration with their internal systems.

  • By integrating KDB and MongoDB, as well as parsing log files, the system provided a comprehensive view of latency across various hops and stages.
  • The detailed latency metrics, including gateway times and RFQ stage&emdash;specific delays, enabled data&emdash;driven decisions to optimize processes.

3forge Solutions

The client was able to resolve their requirements with the following capabilities:

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